In this excellent video, B. Alan Wallace talks about the nature of cognitive health. The is one of the best descriptions of why the faculty of attention is central to human wellbeing,…
In my recent TSM post ‘Gratitude as a Way of Seeing‘, I suggested that the areas we should be the most grateful for are often the things we easily overlook: “Consider that much…
From my Colson Center article ‘The Abstraction of God and the Culture Wars (Nominalism 7)‘: Overemphasizing the noetic effects of sin and underestimating the reality of common grace has enormous ramifications in…
One of the myths about peace of mind, even among Christians, is that it is something that happens to you. The reality is that peace of mind is hard work. Like everything…
From ‘Best Kept Secrets About Brain Fitness: a Conversation with Graham Taylor and Robin Phillips (Part 4)‘ When I used to teach high school history, I often found myself puzzled why some…
Ever since reading Norman Doidge’s book The Brain that Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph From the Frontiers of Brain Science, I’ve been fascinated by the science of neuroplasticity and the truth that our thoughts and…
In the video below, Dr. Kerry Howells talks about the way gratitude practices (beginning with acknowledging and repenting of our resentments) are transformative in educational contexts and are at the root of…
We live in strange times when to think critically about emerging technologies, and to ask difficult questions about how to harness our technologies towards the ends of making us more human, is…
Growing up in the modern West, most of us have been conditioned to think that the best students are those who don’t struggle. Successful people are those who easily achieve straight A’s,…
From my earlier post “Killing the Imagination (Common Core, Part 3)“: In cultivating the imagination, great literature helps to keep us free….the capacity to imagine has been the enemy of all great…
In April 2009, British atheist A.N. Wilson shocked the world by announcing that he was returning to the Christian faith. When asked later in an interview what was the worst thing about…
As a conservative Christian, I used to shy away from the message of self-acceptance, seeing it as mere psychobabble. I was also concerned that too much self-acceptance might stifle personal growth and…