Why the New Bonhoeffer Movie is a Disappointment

One of the concerns I’ve often had with Christian filmmaking is the lack of subtlety combined with low tolerance for complexity. As I noted in an article for the Colson Center back…

Is God’s Kingdom Political? Toward a Biblical Political Theology

In my earlier post, “Against Politics,” I contrasted politics with political theory, arguing that the former activates the amygdala (the primal part of the brain regulating fight-or-flight responses) while the latter activates…

How to Read Books in the Spirit of Classical Christian Leisure

I grew up in an environment of books. Not only was my father a writer and editor, but he also owned a publishing house and a bookstore. Sometimes after school I would…

Joshua Pauling and Annie Crawford discuss “Are We All Cyborgs Now?” with Shanda Fulbright

Joshua Pauling, co-author of Are We All Cyborgs Now?, recently teamed up with Annie Crawford to go on Shanda Fulbright’s podcast to discuss digital technology from a Christian worldview. The questions explored include,…

Buy 2 Get 1 Free Offer for “Gratitude in Life’s Trenches”

I am delighted to announced that Target is currently running a buy 2, get 1 free offer on selected titles, and one of those titles is my book Gratitude in Life’s Trenches.…

Is Trump Worth the Cost?

After Trump’s recent victory, there were many stories we are telling ourselves about the election. For some, it was the story of a revolt against the establishment. For others, Trump’s victory is…

Interview on Kyle Whittington’s Podcast

Human beings were designed to live in harmony with other people, and that means dwelling in communities of shared dependence. Yet the culture of the Machine perpetuates the myth of self-sufficiency. Today…

Christian Triumphalism & the Glories of Hallowtide

Our church has just finished celebrating Hallowtide. We prepared for it with our All Saints bonfire night on Saturday the 26th, when we had fun dressing up as different saints. Here I…

Against Politics

During election cycles, when Americans are most concerned about politics, they are the least concerned about political theory. That is appropriate. In the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle distinguished between the two, drawing a sharp…

Why We Need Hierarchical Metaphysics

When we exchanged traditional hierarchical metaphysics for a purely constructivist account of authority, we lost the inbuilt limits of God-given ontology. What remains are authority structures that rely solely on pragmatic outcomes…

Panel Discussion on Role of Beauty in Worship

In my book Rediscovering the Goodness of Creation, I explored the importance of beauty in the Christian life, observing in chapter 15 that as modern man is caught in the pincer grip…

Is AI Magic?

During the recent Touchstone Conference, C.R. Wiley explained how the dream of Lewis’s Screwtape has finally been realized: we now live in a land of materialist magicians. As he put it, “The…

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