In the first chapter of The Conservative Mind, Russell Kirk condenses conservative thought down to the following six canons. It is important to realize that these six canons are not merely Kirk’s…
Before I say anything, I want to be clear that (1) this post is neither for nor against gun control, (2) I support the right of American citizens to bear arms and…
From my article, “The Republican Retreat to Identity Politics,”: Historically, nations are held together by common memories, customs, symbols, myths and legends. In its most rigorous and consistent form, classical liberalism de-emphasizes or…
I can’t remember when I first heard of George MacDonald, but I do remember the first moment I realized I had an author as a dad. I always enjoyed going into the…
When we were babies, things were simple: whenever we felt pain and discomfort, we could cry out and have our needs met. As we mature, it is natural to continue looking to…
I’ve always loved the Andante movement in Schubert’s Trio op. 100, and so I was delighted when, quite by accident, I stumbled upon this amazing performance. Enjoy!
I came across this video of a performance Itzhak Perlman gave in Tokyo of Bruch Violin Concerto No.1 in G Minor. Perlman’s sensitivity makes this performance not just a joy to listen…
One of our most basic human needs is the need for secure attachment bonds. Often even our closest relationships do not provide the safety to form the types of secure bonds we long…
In my recent series of articles on the sacramental imagination I have been exploring how it’s possible to recognize God’s presence in all of life. I have been urging my readers to…
For most of its history, clinical psychology has been preoccupied with neurosis, psychosis and everything that can go wrong. In the twentieth-century, however, many psychologists began to shift their emphasis and take…