“I ask you not to take what I say as a definitive spiritual interpretation of the [biblical] passages in question, for I am very far from the mind and meaning of the…
Helping people who struggle with pornography has never been a focus of my writing ministry, even though I have written extensively about sexual ethics and modesty. I have never personally struggled with…
In this premier episode of their new podcast, Robin Phillips and Jason Van Boom discuss a recent study showing no correlation between a child’s well-being and time spent on technology. But is…
Here are some resources for those wishing to further explore some of the issues discussed in Episode #1 of the Robin & Boom Show, about children and technology. The Robin & Boom…
I occasionally receive requests for links to the series of articles I wrote for the Colson Center from 2012-14 about Nominalism and Realism. Unfortunately, the Colson Center lost all my articles when…
Having written about the dangers of too much screen time, as well as the fact that we approach digital text differently to printed text, I’ve found it interesting that academic libraries are…
In my Salvo article, ‘The Massacre of Valentine’s Day‘, I show how the hostile response that many third-wave feminists have to Valentine’s Day illustrates the strange metamorphoses that feminism (now in its fourth-wave)…
At Christmas, Christian thinkers generally do a good job of encouraging us to see past the veneer of commercialism and hedonism to reflect deeply on the theological meaning of the holiday. Similarly,…
In 2012 I wrote that good fiction can help us grow in wisdom by inviting us to grapple with the pain, confusions and ambiguities of human experience, including experiences that we may…
In their book Created for Connection, Sue Johnson and Kenneth Sanderfer have helpfully summarized the findings of formal studies about human attachment bonds and how that impacts our love relationships. I quote from…
In the early fifth century, the great preacher of the early church, St. John Chrysostom (c. 349–407), made an enemy of the Empress Eudoxia. He had provoked the wrath of the empress…
In The Benedict Option, Rod Dreher discusses the way Christian teaching on marriage came as a revolutionary alternative to the exploitation of women in the first and second centuries. From page 198:…