During the years 1726 and 1729, the French writer Voltaire was exiled in England. In England, Voltaire was impressed by what he saw, which was very different from his native France.…
This is the third post in my series on Neoplatonism. To read earlier posts in the series, click here and here. St. Augustine: From Manichaeism to Neoplatonism to Christianity From his…
I am grateful to be able to announce that my forthcoming book, Gratitude in Life’s Trenches, will be available in bookstores on August 18th. In the meantime, you can read the introduction…
Living on the border between Idaho (one of the most conservative states) and Washington (one of the most liberal states), it is fascinating to watch the tension. Sometimes it feels like these…
In the podcast below, Fr. John Behr observed that the greatest change in the modern world (greater even than electricity and the internet) is that we no longer have to deal with…
From my interview with Bill Kabasenche: “You can’t just decide to become a good person – it’s going to be a process. You’re going to have to engage in a moral formation…
We will never be able to solve the problem of human trafficking until we ban indecent modeling, including the seemingly benign modeling of companies like Victoria’s Secret. Why? Because human traffickers are…
“As the world must be redeemed in a few men to begin with, so the soul is redeemed in a few of its thoughts, and works, and ways to begin with: it…
When I’m at my janitorial job, I’m working my way through the audio course The History of the United States. Earlier this week I came to the lecture on the civil rights…
I recently had an opportunity to publish a couple articles with Salvo Magazine that look at identity politics and its cultural consequences. My most recent Salvo articles is titled, ‘You Are What…
This article forms part of an ongoing series aimed to equip students at classical schools with the skills needed to research for their senior thesis. To read the introduction to the series…
This article forms part of an ongoing series aimed to equip students at classical schools with the skills needed to research for their senior thesis. To read the introduction to the series…