A Different Approach to the Classroom

Growing up in the modern West, most of us have been conditioned to think that the best students are those who don’t struggle. Successful people are those who easily achieve straight A’s,…

The Politics of Imagination

From my earlier post “Killing the Imagination (Common Core, Part 3)“: In cultivating the imagination, great literature helps to keep us free….the capacity to imagine has been the enemy of all great…

The Spiritual Vision of J.S. Bach

In April 2009, British atheist A.N. Wilson shocked the world by announcing that he was returning to the Christian faith. When asked later in an interview what was the worst thing about…

Self-Acceptance and Repentance

As a conservative Christian, I used to shy away from the message of self-acceptance, seeing it as mere psychobabble. I was also concerned that too much self-acceptance might stifle personal growth and…

Comfort and Emotional Numbing

From my article ‘What Gratitude is Not‘: “When our pursuit of comfort causes us to numb ourselves to the pain and hurt happening around us, and even happening to us, what we’re…

Smartphones and Your Brain

Today marks the beginning of Screen-Free Week, when children throughout the nation are encouraged to unplug from the screen to rediscover the joys of childhood, the richness of relationships, and the adventure of…

What if Trump is Exactly What He Seems?

There has been so much speculation about Trump’s psychology, what drives him, what the correct “theory of Trump” is. On the political right this manifests itself in Trump’s rationalizers – those who…

The Relationship of God’s Kingdom to This World

During this season of Easter, as the Church celebrates the breaking forth of New Creation, I’ve had occasion to reflect on the relationship of God’s Kingdom to this world. In an interview…

The Real Meaning of ‘Christian’ Work

Is this world, and our physical experiences within it, unimportant to God? Can anything of lasting spiritual importance be accomplished in the present space-time universe, or is it simply a waiting room…

Rethinking “Political Nestorianism”

I don’t use this blog to attack other blog posts, but I feel compelled to make an exception in the case of an article written by Aristotle Papanikolaou. Dr. Papanikolaou is the…

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