Saints and Scoundrels on Hillary Clinton

A few weeks ago I saw that my book Saints and Scoundrels, which Canon Press took out of print, was selling for $2,342 used on Amazon. For those who are struggling financially,…

Pragmatism and the Keep-it-Simple Stupid Paradigm

From my article ‘American Pragmatism Comes to Roost in Donald Trump‘: “…a hallmark of the pragmatic orientation has been to evacuate questions of ultimate meaning as we address only the question ‘What…

Break Up With Your Negative Brain

Imagine you have a friend whose boyfriend is always tearing her down and continually telling her that she’s stupid, unable to cope, that nobody likes her and that she isn’t pretty enough.…

Where Pietism and Fundamentalism meet

From ‘Gnosticism in the Work Place‘: Viewing the physical order as spiritually neutral can lead to the “seeker-friendly” posture of accommodation and compromise (what Hunter describes as the “‘relevance to’ paradigm” of…

The Value of Story-Telling

From ‘Fiction and the Christian Faith‘: …one of the important functions of story is that it allows us to vicariously participate in experiences that are not our own, and to gain wisdom…

Feminism and Androgyny

From ‘V-Day 2016 Reveals Feminism’s Problem With Love…and Women‘: “Throughout the twentieth-century, feminist writers began to see themselves as defending their sex precisely through their attempts to homogenize the gender polarity. No…

Next Installment in Peace of Mind Series

The Taylor Study Method has now published the next installment in my ongoing series about peace of mind. Although this article is directed towards psychologists seeking to become licensed, the principles apply…

Reading Online vs. Reading Books

In Nicholas Carr’s book The Shallows, he has a fascinating section on the difference between reading online and reading offline, which supplements some of the observations I made in my Touchstone article…

The Most Important 10 Minutes of Your Life

Those who follow my blog know that I go through stages of posting about different subjects. Last year I wrote a lot about gratitude and positive thinking. Then I began posting about…

The Parental Task


Controlling the Brain Through Spiritual Mindfulness

From my article ‘Hollowing Out the Habits of Attention Part 4‘: Thankfully God has given you a tool for controlling your brain and fasting from toxic thinking. That tool is called the…

Food and Music

One of the factors behind the American fast-food movement is the assumption that eating should be as easy as possible and that the ideal meal is one that requires a minimum amount…

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