Brené Brown Video on How Gratitude Takes Practice

What Gratitude is Not

I’ve recently been posting a lot about gratitude and cognitive reframing. In this post I want to say a few words about what gratitude is not. It’s important to emphasize that true gratitude…

My Journey With Digital Distractions and Email Addiction

I recently published an article for the Taylor Study Method titled ‘Recovering Quiet in an Age of Noise.’ This article continues to explore my ongoing interest in digital distractions and email addiction, but…

Hollowing Out the Habits of Attention (Part 5 )

To read earlier posts in this series, click here. One morning, on a brisk autumnal day in 2015, I drove myself to the hospital in Spokane Washington. My destination was the office…

Fear is Fine…except when it drives us away from what is just and right

From my post “Clarifying My Position on Trump“: There are times when Christians ought to be afraid. I will be the first to admit that we have good reason to be afraid…

Pokémon Go and the Unbundling of Reality

“Technology tends to see reality as heaps, as a conglomeration of fragments that somehow are put together by someone in order to obtain something . . . that don’t have any inner…

Clarifying My Position on Trump

Since publishing my earlier post ‘Donald Trump and Family Values‘ on October 8, I received a lot of pushback on my personal Facebook wall as well as my author page. This forced me…

Christ and the Systems of Man

As Erick Erickson and his wife face the reality of dying and leaving their children orphaned, he makes some moving observations about the ways in which Christ disrupts the present order of things. The…

What Does a Kiss and a Slap Have in Common? Answer: “gender colonialism”

Those who subscribe to Salvo Magazine should be expecting Salvo 38 (Fall 2016) to be arriving in your mailboxes any day. (Those who do not yet subscribe to Salvo can fix that by…

Imagination is Freeing

From Part 4 of my interview about brain fitness: To cultivate learning without cultivating the imagination is to create automatons. That’s why the capacity to imagine has been the enemy of all…

Colonizing the Colonizers: Pokémon Go and the Liturgies of Time

When Apple unveiled its new Apple Watch Series 2 at yesterday’s long-anticipated launch, news of the new smart-watch was overshadowed by reactions to the iPhone 7. Yet the underpublicized news that the…

Unbundled Reality and the Anti-Poetry of Pokémon Go

Not long after digital books started becoming readily accessible on the internet, I began hearing that one of their advantages was that they enabled key sections of a book to be extracted…

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