Wisdom From Saint Paisios

“The person that is struggling to the best of his abilities, who has no desire to live a disorderly life, but who – in the course of the struggle for faith and…

The Truth About the Border Wall

The day after I published my earlier post on how the President can respond to the shutdown by calling Nancy Pelosi’s bluff, he took my advice. The Democrats’ response lends credence to…

The Simple Shutdown Solution: Trump Should Call Pelosi’s Bluff

UPDATE: Two days after posting this, the President took my advice, effectively calling the Democrat’s bluff. Can anyone still take Nancy Pelosi’s sophistry and word-games seriously? There appears to be no end in…

Why Steve Turley’s Problem With The Benedict Option is a Problem [Updated]

UPDATE: Since writing this article, Steve Turley has offered a response to me, what he called “a critique of the critique of the critique.” Since he has further clarified his position and…

Response to Doug Wilson’s Food Sectarianism

I was recently approached about Douglas Wilson’s 2016 book on food and asked if my articles interacting with his food teachings were still online somewhere. I have been out of the loop for…

David Hendrickson on the Syria Withdrawal

Last Friday, David Hendrickson offered some extremely sensible observations about how the Syria withdrawal could (but alas, won’t) be skillfully managed to prevent unnecessary chaos and bloodshed. Hendrickson shows that a solution is…

Website Back Online

Welcome back to my website (you can call it a blog if you like, but I agree with Nicholas Carr that this is a most undesirable word). I want to apologize to…

Beauty and the Sacramental Vision

From my article ‘More than Schooling: The Perils of Pragmatism in Christian Attitudes Toward the Liberal Arts‘: “Being able to just be in the presence of beauty is central to coming to know…

Having Fun on the Piano

When I was a kid, one of my favorite movies was Mary Poppins. This song ‘”Spoon Full of Sugar” is a lot of fun to play on the piano. Matthew took this…

What Certain Shocking Behavior Tells us About Ourselves

Most people prefer doing something active to siting alone in silence or being alone with their own thoughts. But is the preference for doing over thinking so strong that most of us…

Music and the Church Fathers

This article was originally published in my column at the Colson Center. It is republished here with permission. For a complete directory of all my Colson Center articles, click here. As I’ve…

The Meaning of the Gospel

This article was originally published in my column at the Colson Center. It is republished here with permission. For a complete directory of all my Colson Center articles, click here. Go on…

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