America and the Collapse of Meta-Narratives

In the interview this summer with my twin brother Patrick, I talked about the breakdown of public discourse that inevitably follows the collapse of shared meta-narratives. In America today…the absence of shared traditions,…

Education’s Dual Purpose

From “Virtue and Classical Education: A Commencement Address to a Graduating Class.” Education should thus serve the dual purpose of cultivating dispositions attuned to what is good, true and beautiful in this…

Presentation at Gold Country Gathering 2019: George MacDonald and the Life of Gratitude

Earlier this month I had the privilege of speaking at the “Gold Country Gathering” that my parents organized for fans of George MacDonald. I spoke about human flourishing, George MacDonald, and my…

Everything Plato!

Plato wasn’t just a great metaphysician, he was also one of the greatest psychologists ever to have lived. In this edition of our podcast, Dr. Phillip Cary sheds light on Plato’s psychology.…

Virtue and Attitude

In my article ‘Virtue and Classical Education‘, I contrast modern and ancient understandings of virtue. In the historic understanding, virtue includes actions but is rooted in attitude. And while attitude includes emotion, it…

Why the Same-Sex Relationship Debate Needs Metaphysics and Redemptive-Historical Readings

When discussing the problems with emerging models of “gay-affirming” theology, the counter-arguments are becoming all-too familiar: the sexual complementarity described in Genesis 2 doesn’t apply to the postlapsarian condition; the condemnations of…

From Eden to New Creation: Rediscovering God’s Purpose for Planet Earth

This article is part of my ongoing series on Gnosticism. For a complete list of these articles, see ‘Full Links to Gnosticism Series.’ God and the Problem of Creation Camille is a…

Schubert “Trout” Quintet, 4th Movement.

There is a lot I could say about this playful little piece, but I think I’ll just let you enjoy.

What Happens if an Impeached President is Re-elected?

On Tuesday, as the Ukraine scandal was breaking, Rod Dreher made some thoughtful observations about why, from a conservative perspective, it matters (and matters a lot) whether the recent allegations against the…

Full Links to Gnosticism Series

Some of you are aware that I have been gradually republishing to this website all the articles from the Colson Center column that I maintained from 2011 to 2014. (On why this…

Left-Wing Racism

Last month James Kirchick published an article for Tablet Magazine on the recent tidal wave of left-wing racism in America. Near the beginning of the article Kirchick lays his cards on the table.…

Salvo Magazine #50: Fighting the Porn-Trafficking Axis

Salvo Magazine #50 is now hot off the press. My article on porn and human trafficking in Spokane has been made available for free so that non-subscribers can read it. Here’s a…

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