A Day in the Life of a Janitor

Last week I decided to apply for a cleaning job someone told me about. Given that my work as a writer has recently slowed down, I was eager at the prospect of…

Books I’ve Recently Read

Nixing Negativity

In the second address in his series on kindness, Fr. Anthony Messeh talks about some practical ways you can expunge negativity from your relationships.

How to Practice Gratitude Behind Bars

It had been a particularly unpleasant day at the office for Ranald. It was only after being promoted to management six months earlier that Ranald realized how stressful his dream job actually…

Perlman Plays Brahms Violin Concerto

I recently discovered the recording of Itzhak Perlman playing Brahms Violin Concerto in D major. I was even more delighted to discover a video of this amazing performance. Perlman brings a sensitivity…

Gratitude During Times of Suffering

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Do you find the content on this blog helpful? Would you like to see an even more steady stream of original content, including monthly book reviews, bimonthly self-help videos, weekly answers to…

The Virtue of Remembering

“Why do I need to remember this when I can always look it up?” This is a common question among the younger generation, who often struggle to see the value of education…

Viktor Frankl vs. the Human Potentials Movement

Last week I got a biography from the library about the relationship between Viktor and Elly Frankl, titled When Life Calls Out to us: The Love and Lifework of Viktor and Elly…

Cultivate Your Intuition With Times of Quiet

Earlier this month, Carolyn Gregoire wrote a powerful article on intuition for the Huffington Post. Her article, ‘10 Things Highly Intuitive People Do Differently‘, showed that being able to have an accurate…

Mind-Reading: Know the Signs

This post has been incorporated into my recent article on Thinking Errors

Archimandrite Fadi on Gratitude and Living in the Present

This week our church was blessed to have Archimandrite Fadi visiting us and participating in our Lenten services. Fr. Fadi spent some time with the children of our homeschool co-op, sharing his…

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