The Robin & Boom Show #00 – Test Episode

Robin Phillips and Jason Van Boom have some fun while discussing their plans to launch a podcast. They also discuss the continued relevance of philosophical debates that occurred during the Middle Age. …

Calvinism’s Christology Problem

Imagine someone set out to reinvent the wheel but got it all wrong. That’s the position that reformed theologians find themselves in. However, due to lack of historical consciousness, they usually don’t…

Rightly Ordered Emotion

In our culture, the main distinction we tend to make about emotion is between emotions that are pleasant vs. emotions that are unpleasant. But that isn’t the healthiest way to think about emotion,…

Beauty and Virtue

In my earlier article “Listen to Your Feelings“, I added the following section on the importance of beauty, after my friend Jason Van Boom alerted me to the important connection between beauty…

Dr. Nathan Jacobs on East-West Theological Differences

There are important theological differences and emphases between the East and the West, and most of the time these differences are articulated it is done in a haphazard polemical and historically irresponsible…

Pain, Suffering and Resilience, Published by St. Sebastian Orthodox Press

I was privileged to contribute a chapter to Pain, Suffering and Resilience: Orthodox Christian Perspectives, published by St. Sebastian Orthodox Press. This collection of peer-reviewed essays explores the mystery of human suffering…

James Matthew Wilson in the Mars Hill Audio Journal

Last year someone asked me what were my favorite podcasts. Without a second thought I referred my friend to the Mars Hill Audio Journal. Since 1993, Ken Myers has been using this…

Rod Dreher on How to Refuse Defeat

From How Dante Can Save Your Life: The Life-Changing Wisdom of History’s Greatest Poem, by Rod Dreher: “Life is fragile and uncertain. Sooner or later, you will experience a great loss in life, when…

Wisdom From Saint Paisios

“The person that is struggling to the best of his abilities, who has no desire to live a disorderly life, but who – in the course of the struggle for faith and…

The Truth About the Border Wall

The day after I published my earlier post on how the President can respond to the shutdown by calling Nancy Pelosi’s bluff, he took my advice. The Democrats’ response lends credence to…

The Simple Shutdown Solution: Trump Should Call Pelosi’s Bluff

UPDATE: Two days after posting this, the President took my advice, effectively calling the Democrat’s bluff. Can anyone still take Nancy Pelosi’s sophistry and word-games seriously? There appears to be no end in…

Why Steve Turley’s Problem With The Benedict Option is a Problem [Updated]

UPDATE: Since writing this article, Steve Turley has offered a response to me, what he called “a critique of the critique of the critique.” Since he has further clarified his position and…

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