Full Links to Gnosticism Series

Some of you are aware that I have been gradually republishing to this website all the articles from the Colson Center column that I maintained from 2011 to 2014. (On why this…

Left-Wing Racism

Last month James Kirchick published an article for Tablet Magazine on the recent tidal wave of left-wing racism in America. Near the beginning of the article Kirchick lays his cards on the table.…

Salvo Magazine #50: Fighting the Porn-Trafficking Axis

Salvo Magazine #50 is now hot off the press. My article on porn and human trafficking in Spokane has been made available for free so that non-subscribers can read it. Here’s a…

The Robin & Boom Show #16 – Modernism, Postmodernism, and Virtue, with Dr. Phillip Cary

Is it possible to infer values about what we ought to do from facts about how the world is? This question introduces a major problem within meta-ethics, which is how to philosophically…

Saints and Scoundrels

Saints and Scoundrels presents the complete stories of twenty heroes and villains from the birth of Christ to the fall of the USSR. Cheer as Wilberforce and Solzhenitsyn defeat political goliaths, wince as…

The Robin & Boom Show #15 – Everything Plato, with Dr. Phillip Cary

Dr. Phillip Cary sheds light on Plato’s philosophy in this latest edition of The Robin & Boom Show. In this podcast you will learn why the ideas of a thinker from the…

Alexa and Siri Are Not Your Friends

A 2018 report from National Public Radio and Edison Research reported that 8 million Americans own three or more smart speakers. By 2021, there will be almost as many personal-assistant bots on the…

The Role of Stillness in Education and the Problem of Thinking Too Quickly

When our brains become overloaded with too much information, or when our working memory is compromised by being exposed to too many distractions, there are certain mental functions that stop working as…

Moral Order

From my Colson Center article, “Moral Order, and Wisdom (Nominalism 6)” “One of the benefits of prayerfully meditating on God’s commands within the context of a life of obedience, is that we…

Don’t Let the iPhone Destroy Your EQ

I re-listened to our 13th podcast this morning after a conversation with a parent on limiting children’s screen time. I’m reposting it here in case the tips are helpful for other parents.…

New Creation and its Discontents

In December 1945, as Allied forces were making their way through Germany arresting war criminals, two Egyptian brothers were going about their farm work near the upper Egyptian town of Nag Hammadi.…

Interview With My Twin Brother Patrick

My identical twin brother, Patrick, recently interviewed me about The Robin & Boom Show, my forthcoming book, the political situation, the difference between logical fallacies and thinking errors, and how to be…

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