Josh Hawley Resurrects the Ghost of Rousseau

In George Orwell’s Animal Farm, there is a curious moment when the reader becomes aware that the animals who led the revolt against their human overlords have not only become the new…

Do Natural Rights Exist?

I have always assumed that natural rights exist. But this lecture Nigel Biggar gave at the Thomistic Institute has challenged my thinking. Biggar is author of What’s Wrong with Rights? (Oxford, 2020).…

Modern Biblical Studies Meets Eastern Orthodoxy: A Personal Defense of Historical Scholarship

This post has been removed because it is being published at the Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy website.

Hollowing Out the Liberal Arts

Salvo #57 is hot off the press, and I’ve written the cover story, which looks at how woke fundamentalists are attempting to cancel Western Civilization in ways reminiscent of what ISIS did…

The Illusion of Philosophical Neutrality and the Problem With Free Speech

We heard a lot last year about Facebook striving to be philosophically neutral and to preserve free speech. These are two different categories, because philosophical neutrality is not the same as free…

Absolved From Being Good-Mannered: The Romantic Totalitarianism of Jean-Jacques Rousseau

In her 1910 publication, Euthenics: The Science of Controllable Environment, Ellen H Richards wrote that, The control of man’s environment for his own good as a function of government is a comparatively…

Purity Culture from Foucault to COVID

In Michel Foucault’s 1975 book, Discipline and Punish, the French philosopher traced the origin of the modern age to a quarantine that occurred towards the end of the seventeenth century in the…

From E.D. Hirsch to Professor Peralta…and why the classics shouldn’t be cancelled

In his 1987 bestseller Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know, E.D. Hirsch argued that we will never be able to lift members of minority groups out of poverty until we…

After Education: How Politicians are Covering up the Side-Effects of Digital Learning

Last year as school districts began offering online education in the wake of Covid-19, most politicians and pundits took for granted that the change would be for the best. Having been trained…

Healing from the Pandemic: Online Presentation on Tuesday April 13

As we face the prospect of getting back to normal in the wake of COVID-19, many of us have questioned if normal is even possible. And most of us are feeling a…

The Gratuity of Beauty

In the March/April edition of Touchstone Magazine, I explored how the concept of “gratuitous beauty” offers a chance to push back against the Marxist invasion of humanities’ departments happening throughout America’s college…

Thomas Paine, and the Birth of Leftism

Today is the 230th anniversary of Thomas Paine’s book Rights of Man. This is where political Leftism began. Paine’s legacy now forms the taken-for-granted background for American liberals and “conservatives” alike. Meanwhile,…

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