Christmas and the Church Calendar

During this season of Advent, as we await the coming of the Christ Child born in Bethlehem, it is appropriate to take some time to reflect on the church calendar and its…

“Emotional Spaces” Coming to Notre Dame Cathedral

Earlier I discussed the challenges facing the rebuilding of Notre Dame Cathedral following the 2019 fire. While I was delighted that cathedral’s exterior escaped the agenda of postmodern revisionists (including attempts to…

Why It’s Important to Get Liberty Right

During the height of the COVID controversies last year, I became concerned about a dangerous drift towards the left among my fellow conservatives, particularly regarding conceptions of liberty. In the various issues…

Thomas Jefferson’s Cancellation Portends End of Classical Liberalism

Last week, on Monday November 22nd, a 187-year-old statue of Thomas Jefferson was removed from the New York’s City Council chamber. A crew took down the 884-pound statue after the council unanimously…

Books I’m Currently Reading or Re-Reading


Thankfulness is Good For Your Health…and it’s a Skill You Can Practice

Happy thanksgiving everyone! I want to take this opportunity to share two insights about thankfulness/gratitude that I came across when researching for my book Gratitude in Life’s Trenches: How to Experience the…

We Are Facing a Sex Recession…and It’s Not a Good Thing

Writing in The Atlantic, Kate Julian observed that we are in the midst of a sex recession. Her article, “Why Are Young People Have So Little Sex?” explored the paradox that despite…

Meta-Man Offers Existential Solipsism as the Ultimate form of Human Connection

For quite a while now, the technological oligarchs have been holding out the virtual realm as a world of limitless possibility, the path to individual and corporate flourishing. The virtuality-as-liberation narrative tells…

What Hath Virtue to Do with Vaccines? Putting Vaccine Mandates in Dialogue with an Ancient Ethical Tradition

Sometime in the modern age, ethics got off track. We stopped talking about virtues—character traits that are constitutive of human flourishing—and began focusing instead on the rightness or wrongness of actions, stripped…

COVID-controversies, Importance of Local Community, Facebook’s “Moral Bankruptcy,” and more

New posts have been uploaded to my weekly Salvo column, including articles on COVID-controversies, Facebook’s “moral bankruptcy,” and the importance of local community.

Mindful Breathing and the Safety of Stillness

From Gratitude in Life’s Trenches, page  95: “By letting your scattered attention rest with your breath, or with a simple prayer that you can synchronize with your breathing, you commit to embrace…

Modesty, Religion, and Sexual Fulfillment

The central thesis of Wendy Shalit’s classic  A Return to Modesty: Discovering the Lost Virtue is that, far from downgrading the significance of our sexuality, modesty upgrades and preserves it, keeping our elemental…

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