COVID-19 Brings Factory Mindset to Learning

From my article “School Futures: Questionable Assumptions About Virtual Education”: For politicians and economists who have been trained to think in cost-benefit terms, it has long seemed obvious that institutions of learning…

Modesty and the Irony of Sexual Revolution

In October I blogged about Wendy Shalit’s fascinating suggestion that there is a positive correlation, perhaps even a causal relationship, between modesty and sexual fulfilment. This hypothesis is intriguing because it stands…

The Theology of Art and the Importance of Beauty

Stephanie had been asked to serve as substitute pianist of First Baptist Church shortly after moving to the area for university. When the main pianist at First Baptist broke his leg, Stephanie…

Cancelling Valentine’s Day?

Not only do feminists throughout the world hate Valentine’s Day, but they seek to cancel girls who enjoy romance. Indeed, in the thought of many modern feminists, romantic love is a sexist…

Some Timely Resources

Here are some offerings that may prove useful for some.   How to talk to your teenager about porn. In a recent Salvo post about Billie Eilish’s porn addiction, I ended by…

The Politics of Community

How the Collapse of Modern Individualism is Heralding a New Politics of Community For years, American politics has overlooked the need for community, treating humans as isolated individuals who can look to…

Post-Liberal Conservatism

There is a new movement that some call “the new right,” and others “the post liberal right.” It is emerging out of the wreckage of the post-fusionist liberal-conservative synthesis and echoes conservative…

After Research: The Challenge of Information Literacy in a Post-Truth Culture

Introduction Within information behavior, an emerging trend is practices based on the assumption that objective research is not possible, especially within the context of digitally-mediated information. In qualitative research and interviews about…

Don’t Talk Too Much

From The Philokalia Volume One: “Ideas of value always shun verbosity, being foreign to confusion and fantasy. Timely silence, then, is precious, for it is nothing less than the mother of the…

Christmas and the Church Calendar

During this season of Advent, as we await the coming of the Christ Child born in Bethlehem, it is appropriate to take some time to reflect on the church calendar and its…

“Emotional Spaces” Coming to Notre Dame Cathedral

Earlier I discussed the challenges facing the rebuilding of Notre Dame Cathedral following the 2019 fire. While I was delighted that cathedral’s exterior escaped the agenda of postmodern revisionists (including attempts to…

Why It’s Important to Get Liberty Right

During the height of the COVID controversies last year, I became concerned about a dangerous drift towards the left among my fellow conservatives, particularly regarding conceptions of liberty. In the various issues…

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