Earlier this year I finished hammering out a second Master’s degree, this time from the University of Oklahoma. I specialized in Reference Librarianship (helping people find things) and Information Literacy (teaching skills…
Almost five years ago, Robert Bowers went into a Jewish synagogue in Pittsburgh and opened fire on the congregants during their Sabbath morning service. The attack left eleven people dead and six…
My book on creation (creation, not creationism) that came out earlier this year is now on sale at the Ancient Faith store for $17.21. At 400 pages (that includes front matter, index,…
Back when I used to do a podcast, one of the highlights was the two-part interview I did with Dr. Phillip Cary on Plato and Postmodernism/Virtue. I recently teamed up with Dr.…
For decades I have been spiritually strengthened from Ken Myers’s ministry at the Mars Hill Audio Journal, which offers interviews with a variety of scholars on the most pressing issues of our time.…
In my previous article, I explored some of the questions raised by Grace Community Church’s controversial statement, “Christ, not Caesar, Is Head of the Church: A Biblical Case for the Church’s Duty…
During the lockdowns of 2020, did the government abuse its authority by claiming power over churches? Who has authority over the church, Christ or Caesar? What does it mean to “render to…
“Art imitates nature.” Many take this concept, which goes at least as far back as Aristotle’s Poetics, to mean that artists represent what they find in the natural world like a landscape painter…
During the period known as “the Enlightenment,” many Europeans entertained a feverish enthusiasm for overturning existing canons of political thought for theories and methods rooted in the axioms of human reason. In…
From Non-things: Upheaval in the Lifeworld, by Byung-Chul Han, 23-25: “It is not we who use the smartphone; the smartphone uses us. The real actor is the smartphone. We are at the…
In a December evening in 2008, Harry Markopolos told his wife Faith to go into battle drill. They had rehearsed it many times. If someone entered their premises, he would go down…
Having been involved with rescuers and victims of child trafficking in the Spokane area (see here and here), it has been difficult for me to watch the cultural zeitgeist shift to the…