How De-humanizing Art Parodies the Sacramental Vision

Readers of this blog will know that I write quite a bit about art. One of the rewarding aspects of my recent project with Ancient Faith was the opportunity to tie together…

Ackerman on Racism at Harvard

Bill Ackerman, a card carrying Democrat, had some trenchant observations in The Free Press about what is happening to Harvard as it is colonized by leftist ideologues (and, as a result, racists).…

The Rev. Alistair Begg Controversy and the Problem With American Evangelicalism

The latest evangelical freak-out is because celebrity pastor, Rev. Alistair Begg, gave pastoral advice to a podcast listener, saying it was okay to attend a transgender wedding on love-the-sinner-hate-the-sin grounds. As online…

Gender Archetypes in the Early Scientific Revolution

From The Death of Nature: Women, Ecology, and the Scientific Revolution, by Carolyn Merchant, p. 16: In the sixteenth century, the marriage and impregnation of the female earth by the higher celestial…

Sample Chapter of Upcoming Book

Here is a draft chapter for the forthcoming book I’m co-authoring with Joshua Pauling, titled We’re All Cyborgs Now: Technology and The Christian Faith (Basilian Media, 2024). Chapter on Boundaries

Mona Lisa, Taylor Swift, and Metaphysics

As if to prove the point I made last week about woke iconoclasm, the Mona Lisa has suffered a vicious attack. “On Sunday, two women defaced the Mona Lisa, splattering the masterpiece…

Digital Amusements and the Emerging Techno-Feudalism

Today, labor and amusement seem to have a symbiotic relationship. Consider the growing population of people who work merely to afford the equipment and accommodation necessary for computer games. And how many…

Dr. Phillip Cary and the Goodness of Creation

Back when I used to do a podcast, one of the highlights was the two-part interview I did with Dr. Phillip Cary on Plato and Postmodernism/Virtue. Earlier this year I teamed up…

Woke Iconoclasm

From my Salvo #57 feature, “Cancelling Western Civilization: Woke Fundamentalism’s Iconoclasm is Just as Destructive as ISIS’s“: Marxists sought, and seek, to cancel the liberal arts by redefining them in purely instrumental…

How I Lost and Rediscovered the Joys of Reading

I grew up in an environment of books. Not only was my father a writer and editor, but he also owned a publishing house and a bookstore.  Sometimes after school I would…

AI Safety, Contemplative Reading, and the Importance of Leisure

I wanted to alert my readers to the following articles I’ve recently published at various outlets: “‘AI Safety’ Without Virtue Will Never Be Safe.” This article, published on December 19th at Mere Orthodoxy,…

Classical Christian Leisure: Jerusalem Meets Athens

In my posts here about leisure reading, and in my series on leisure at Salvo, I frequently make reference to the “classical Christian” understanding. Classical and Christian are so often joined together (as…

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