Thank you so much to everyone who has been supporting my Kickstart campaign. In a message to my mailing list on Monday, I shared how blessed I’ve been to receive such positive…
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“Let go and let God.” “Human effort plays no part in the spiritual life.” “If you’re struggling to be holy, that just shows you’re working in your own strength rather than God’s.”…
Over the years I’ve received some negative push-back for disagreeing with Watchman Nee (1903–1972) in my Colson Center article on will-power. I argued that Watchman Nee’s negative orientation to things like struggle,…
A number of people I have recently spoken with have expressed concerns about the, so called ‘Covenant Renewal‘ model of worship. Earlier in the year I wrote a letter to a friend…
In an article on the anatomy of Trumpism, my friend Brad Littlejohn makes some trenchant observations about the anti-intellectual and anti-establishment message embodied by the disgruntled radicalism behind Donald Trump’s political ascendancy.…
Those of us who are involved in classical education, whether as writers, teachers, home-educators or parents, find ourselves at a disadvantage. How can you teach classically when you yourself have not been…