Time to Stop Complaining

From one of my recent TSM posts: “We all have things we can complain about from problems in our health to family issues to work-related stress. It is true that sometimes we…

Father Seraphim Rose on the Formation of Moral Imagination

Last night my wife and I finished listening to a talk given by Father Seraphim Rose (1934-1982) on the topic of developing an Orthodox worldview. (The talk is available on Youtube while…

Intellectual Curiosity

From Part 4 of my interview with Dr. Taylor on Brain Fitness: “Without intellectual curiosity learning is boring. Without intellectual curiosity the justification for knowledge ultimately rests in pragmatic concerns outside the…

Sin is Difficult Too

Saint John Chrysostom Saint John Chrysostom has an excellent sermon titled ‘A Treatise to Prove that No One Can Harm the Man Who Does Not Injure Himself.’ In this sermon he shows…

Educational Reform and the Forgotten Virtue of Focus

[sg_popup id=”3″ event=”onload”][/sg_popup]In Part 3 of my interview with Graham Taylor on brain fitness, I talked about educational reform. I pointed out that sometimes our educational efforts are focused so much on…

Brain Fitness Interview

I recently had the honor of being interviewed by Dr. Graham Taylor of the Taylor Study Method. The topic of our interview was brain fitness but our conversation ended being all over…

Imagination and Reframing

In ‘Best Kept Secrets About Brain Fitness: a Conversation with Graham Taylor and Robin Phillips (Part 4)‘ I talked to Dr. Graham Taylor about the role imagination can play in helping with…

Your Life is Not as Bad as You Think

During the presidential election cycle, American politics feeds on fomenting the public’s sense of dissatisfaction and highlighting problems that each candidate claims to be the answer for. Unfortunately the public tends to…

Theological Reframing During Times of Suffering

Sometimes we over-complicate the spiritual life. In our obsession with the intellectual aspects of theology, we sometimes overlook the more basic aspects of the Christian faith. Here are three basic foundations of…

Everything Bad is NOT Good For You

Steven Johnson’s 2005 book Everything Bad is Good for You: How Today’s Popular Culture is Actually Making Us Smarter, offered an enormous boon to everyone who wanted to defend the neurological virtues…

Project Gratitude: $1,528 pledged, 19% funded, 7 hours to go!

I want to say a BIG thank you to everyone who has supported my Kickstart campaign this month to finance work on a second book. Through your generous contributions, I have raised…

Kickstart Campaign Goes Into Final Hours

For more information, visit Being Grateful, Being Attentive, Being Human.

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