Update on Salvo Column

Hi everyone. I want to give a quick update on some of things I’ve been writing at my weekly column at Salvo Magazine. (This column is merely an adjunct of the important…

Gratitude in Life’s Trenches HALF OFF this Friday

We have a lot of exciting news about Gratitude in Life’s Trenches. I am delighted to announce that this Friday, the 5th of March, Ancient Faith is putting on a one-day 50%…

Right-Wing Violence and the Trump Personality Cult

Since writing this article, I have been the victim of abuse from far-right activists. I would appreciate your prayers, as this has left me sick. For an update on the reaction to…

Racism and Identity Politics in America Today

Following the publication earlier this year of three articles with Salvo Magazine about race and identity politics (see here and here and here), I have received questions about racial issues in America,…

Neoplatonism and Christian Sacramental Theology

During the interwar years, Whittaker Chambers (1901–1961) might have seemed like a normal American communist. Yet he was doing more than merely writing for America’s communist magazines: he was actually a Soviet…

Plato and the Physical Body

Those who have been following my work on Gnosticism, have probably grown used to me referring to Plato in a disparaging way. He is routinely touted as the great proto-Gnostic, the guru…

Update on Writing

I want to apologize to reader’s of my blog for the long hiatus in new articles. Getting my book on gratitude ready for publication was quite demanding, so after it was released…

G.K. Chesterton and the Sacramental Imagination

The August late-afternoon sun shone mercilessly in my face as I looked for my truck in the parking lot of the call center, where I had been working all day as a…

Interview About “Gratitude in Life’s Trenches”

From a 2020 Ancient Faith interview: Your book Gratitude in Life’s Trenches has been creating quite a stir since it came out earlier this month. Within days of the book’s release it became…

How to Think Like a Christian During a Time of Secularism

  During the years 1726 and 1729, the French writer Voltaire was exiled in England. In England, Voltaire was impressed by what he saw, which was very different from his native France.…

Neoplatonism, Beauty, and the Ascent to God

This is the third post in my series on Neoplatonism. To read earlier posts in the series, click here and here.   St. Augustine: From Manichaeism to Neoplatonism to Christianity From his…

Gratitude in Life’s Trenches

I am grateful to be able to announce that my forthcoming book, Gratitude in Life’s Trenches, will be available in bookstores on August 18th. In the meantime, you can read the introduction…

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