At last week’s Touchstone conference, Tony Esolen gave a talk about Milton’s Satan, in which he unpacked some of the psychology of evil. In the course of his lecture, Dr. Esolen shared…
A very generous donor is underwriting all ebook purchases of Gratitude in Life’s Trenches for customers outside the USA and Canada for the two weeks from October 15-30. That means that if…
Last Saturday afternoon seemed like an ordinary weekend for residents outside the sleepy town of Joplin, Montana. With a population of only 200, nothing much happens in this small farming community 150…
Regular readers will be aware that for some time I have been questioning the idea of natural rights. Natural rights are rights (things to which we are entitled) that are God-given, inalienable, a…
As Instagram has transitioned from being a picture-sharing service to a self-branding platform, girls as young as 14 can cash in on stardom. However, in order for a girl to gain enough…
Now that I am fully recovered from COVID-19 (yes, for those who don’t know, I suffered a bad bout of COVID-19 in August, with a fever of over 100 degrees for a…
My colleague at Salvo Magazine, Nicole King, makes some intriguing points about the strange itinerary we have reached with the sexual revolution. In Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, he imagined a society…
I was recently interviewed by Ken Myers of the Mars Hill Audio Journal about my book Gratitude in Life’s Trenches: How to Experience the Good Life Even When Everything is Going Wrong.…
Some of you may know that I am editorial assistant for the Fellowship of St. James, which publishes Touchstone Magazine and Salvo. If you are not a subscriber to Touchstone, I would…
Through my work with Salvo Magazine, I have started to get involved in the Intelligent Design (ID) movement. I have found ID refreshing after my past involvement in the fideistic wing of…
There is a trend within modern Orthodoxy theology, represented most famously by Fr. John Romanides, to dispute the legitimacy of analogical language with respect to God-talk. Romanides’ book Patristic Theology has an entire…
When I received my copy of The Religion of the Apostles: Orthodox Christianity in the First Century by Fr. Stephen De Young, I felt I had finally come home. I expected the…