Website Back Online

Welcome back to my website (you can call it a blog if you like, but I agree with Nicholas Carr that this is a most undesirable word).

I want to apologize to my readers that this website was down for the last four weeks. As part of a website redesign at Salvo Magazine, it stopped being possible for my blog to be parked at their web space. I am very grateful that Salvo let me keep my blog at their site for five years, even after I stopped writing about Salvo-type things. I remain on good terms with the people at Salvo, who have been working with my webmaster to get all the content transferred over to a new domain and server.

As you may have noticed, the new domain for my website is now Salvo is working on putting redirects in place so that all the old links will automatically throw you over here.

Eventually the theme, layout and title of this website will become more of a conventional author website, especially after my next book comes out. I also plan to start a separate website for my resources about health and wellness. But for the immediate future, I have tried to preserve everything as close as possible to how it looked over at Salvo.

See Also

Please feel free to browse the archives on the left, and don’t hesitate to send me an email if you notice any problems.

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