I want to apologize to reader’s of my blog for the long hiatus in new articles. Getting my book on gratitude ready for publication was quite demanding, so after it was released I gladly took a break from writing. My remaining limited energy has been focused on work, family and friends, creating an information literacy curriculum, and my ongoing commitments with Salvo Magazine and Ancient Faith. But with the long winter nights upon us, I am back into the swing of being able to offer articles on a once a week schedule. So keep at eye out for upcoming articles on some of the things I’ve recently been thinking about, including Plato, the theology of art, the metaphysics of beauty, redemption history, and of course, Gnosticism (or perhaps it would be more accurate to say, anti-Gnosticism). To subscribe to my mailing list and have articles sent straight to your inbox every Friday morning, click HERE.
Many of you have asked for an update on Gratitude in Life’s Trenches. The book continues to sell well, and is available from both Amazon and Ancient Faith. If the book has blessed you, please consider writing a review for Amazon or GoodReads. To read an interview I did with Ancient Faith about the book, click here.
Someone asked me about my recent publications for Salvo. Below are links to some of my recent articles with them. If these articles prove to be a blessing, please consider taking out a subscription to the physical magazine:
- Infidels in Iran: Jim Caviezel’s New Thriller Explores Ultimate Questions
- Questioning the iPhone: How Apple is Exploiting the Difference Between Felt & Objective Needs
- Subtle But Sure: Rod Dreher Warns of the Approaching “Soft Totalitarianism”
Finally, here is a video I made last week to share some highlights from Gratitude in Life’s Trenches. Enjoy!