How the Sexual Revolution Cheapened Sex

Nicole King

My colleague at Salvo Magazine, Nicole King, makes some intriguing points about the strange itinerary we have reached with the sexual revolution.

In Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, he imagined a society of over-sexualized children who spend time on the playground enjoying the sexual act with no guilt, no relationship, no consequences. As much as Huxley got right in his dystopian predictions, he got one thing terribly wrong. The characters in Brave New World still enjoyed and sought sex—enthusiastically. But in the real world, King argues, oversexualization has a strange relationship to its inverse, for as nudity becomes commonplace, sex becomes cheapened. The result, ironically, is that we become desexualized.

This dynamic has been played out in the recent controversy over 14 year-old girls modeling themselves in bikinis on Instagram. Are these girls participating in their own de-sexualization as they claim that there is nothing sexual in their displays? Nicole King thinks the answer is yes. Read her recent article at the link below.

Stripping Sex of its Sexiness: As Nudity Becomes Commonplace, Sex Becomes Cheapened


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