Struggle is an Opportunity for Growth!

One of the themes I explored in my book, Gratitude in Life’s Trenches, is how we can reframe life’s struggles as opportunities and grow stronger as a result. In chapter 7 I…

The Machine and the Human

The Summer 2023 issue of Salvo Magazine is now on its way to the mailboxes of subscribers (if you do not subscribe, you can fix that by going here). The Summer 2023…

Independence Day and the Meaning of Freedom

Here are some thoughts on the 4th of July that I emailed to my team at work earlier today. This fourth of July is poignant for me, as I celebrate America’s cherished…

Ancient Faith Podcast, Symbolic World Article, and other Recent Offerings

I recently had the opportunity to do some work for “Orthodoxy & Heterodoxy” on the meaning of “nous” and why it’s so hard to translate this tricky little Greek word. This grew…

Gratitude is Not Escapist

From, “Interview About “Gratitude in Life’s Trenches”: Even in saying that we can have gratitude for our suffering, there is a potential for this to be taken in various wrong directions. One…

Digital Catacombs, Information Literacy, and my Recent Hiking Adventure

Last week I returned from a week in Denver and the surrounding mountains, where I had my own personal hiking guide, cook, and camping coordinator as a result of speaking about AI…

Life, Longing, and Ladders in the Land of Shadows

“I am half sick of shadows,’ said     The Lady of Shalott.” —Tennyson A couple days ago I re-read George MacDonald’s fairy tale The Golden Key, as part of a George MacDonald…

Constitutionally Thankful

The following is from Robert Roberts’ essay ‘The Blessings of Gratitude’ in the volume The Psychology of Gratitude: “The constitutionally grateful person has a shield against such debilitating regrets because he or she…

A German Film, a French Novel, and a Catholic Philosopher

In Aldous Huxley’s dystopian classic Brave New World, there is a scene where “the Director” is giving students a tour of a nursery designed to produce ideal humans. At one point he…

Rod Dreher on How Donald Trump is Serving the Deep State

Rod Dreher hit the nail on the head. Below is what Rod shared in last Friday’s daily diary:   We now know more about why the feds indicted Donald Trump. The recklessness of…

How We Destroy Contemplative Immersion

From page 78 Byung-Chul Han’s latest book: Stillness emanates from what is unavailable. What is not available stabilizes and deepens our attention; it brings forth a contemplative gaze. The gaze has the…

Why I Don’t Reject AI, and am Not a Luddite

 I have been receiving questions from readers about the spiritual implications of AI and how the church should respond. While I have been addressing the spiritual implications of digital technology for…

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