Wonderful Passage About The Distinctives of Eastern Orthodox Spirituality

Sometimes people ask me what is distinctive about Eastern Orthodox spirituality. The question is a difficult one. Many Roman Catholics I’ve talked to assume that Orthodoxy is simply Catholicism without the Filioque…

How We Are Raising Fragile Children…and Why Pain isn’t Always Bad

Two men came to the hospital with injuries. (This is not a joke.) One had experienced significant injuries in war, yet felt very little pain. The other, a workman, had been on…

Submit to the Pause!

The following is from my Substack article, “The Power of the Pause Gregorian Chant, Leisure, and the Joy of Going Slow“: I am Eastern Orthodox, and I came into the church through…

Why Popular Music Keeps Getting Worse

Rick Beato offers a succinct 12 minute description for why popular music keeps getting worse. In the process, he explains the implication of new AI tools on the music industry. Spoiler allert:…

Julie Canlis on the Theology of the Ordinary

I’ve really been enjoying Julie Canlis’s little book A Theology of the Ordinary. She does an excellent job exposing the myriad of pressures—from modern culture to wrong theologies—that end up problematizing everyday life. Here…

Understanding the Attention Crisis

In this recent class, I give a teaser of information that is coming out in my forthcoming book “Are We All Cyborgs Now?“, co-authored with Joshua Pauling. In the first part of…

The Violence of Positivity

In Byung-Chul Han’s book, The Burnout Society, he discusses how we have transitioned from a Foucauldian disciplinary society to a society of achievement, and the associated violence that comes in the wake…

The Nihilism of Right-Wing Extremism From Dominique Venner to Nathanael Kapner

In my earlier article, “America and the Collapse of Politics,” I discussed the 2013 suicide of Dominique Venner, arguing that his death is paradigmatic of the nihilism of the far-right, with their…

How Our Public Discourse Became A Circus

Last week as I watched President Biden and President Trump exchange childish insults about their weight and golf swing, I thought of an article I wrote back in 2015 for the Colson…

Symbolic World Article on Technology & Redemption

As a foretaste of the material in my forthcoming book We’re All Cyborgs Now: Technology and the Christian Faith, I published an article at The Symbolic World called “Technology and the Story of Redemption: Being…

New Book Coming Soon!

I am happy to announce that in early September, Basilian Media & Publishing will be publishing a new book that I have co-authored with Joshua Pauling! Titled We’re All Cyborgs Now: Technology…

Reflections on MacDonald Bicentenary Celebration

One hundred years ago, G.K. Chesterton organized a centennial celebration for the one hundredth anniversary of George MacDonald’s birth. This year, two hundred years after MacDonald’s birth, MacDonald enthusiasts throughout the world…

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